Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Should Pakistan be saved ?

It all started from the Swat valley truce, if you can call it a truce at all. The "Taliban" is the last organisation with which, a government run by sane minds, will make truce. Is this is the beginning of the end of Pakistan ? Well, let us look at the situation from another point of view i.e., from Pakistan's point of view. We have a country which has an unstable government, a not-so-good economy and is a paradise for terrorists. Not only that, it is being taken over by the world's most notorious terrorist group. What should I do if I were the President and these terrorists were threatening to take over my country ? The first thing I would do, instinctively, would be to ask for help. From whom ? Of course from the big brother, the United States of America. But it refuses to help and since it is the world's most powerful country, no one dares to disagree. In such a situation, my second most probable action would be to buy time, be it a truce with the terrorists. So thats it, you see ! The best thing India can do as a neighbouring country is, to watch and learn. Negligence can take us where Pakistan is right now !

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