Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is the parliament worth it ?

Regular scuffles between opposing parties, disregard for the speaker, low attendance, cash for questions, etc.; is this the parliament our leaders, the avant-gardes of our constitution had dreamt of ? The year 2008 has seen more misconducts, to speak in the politest manner, than had ever occurred in the history of the parliament. Recently, the childish behaviour displayed at the constituent assemblies in Orissa and Karnataka seem to underscore the already blemished image of the members of parliament. Surely, these people cannot be our representatives. It has been popularly said that, "If a gang of monkeys be let loose over a few typewriters, eventually we would get the complete works of Shakespeare." But, I surely haven't heard about a gang of monkeys running a democracy. Well, now it doesn't seem impossible any more. The Lok Sabha speaker Hon'ble Somnath Chatterjee made a shocking revelation that, "In the year 2008 about 25% of the parliament time was unproductive." That means, 25% of the public money from taxes has gone down the drain. Wait, there is still one upside to this i.e., we have room for development. To use this room judiciously we, the youth, have nothing to do but, to vote for the right people. We surely can do better than this. "Jago Bharat Jago !" 

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